The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: Scott Shane on the Muslim Brotherhood: "Scott Shane on the Muslim Brotherhood"
via Angry Arab
Where do I begin on this piece? What do you expect from a piece that treated Bruce Ridel as an expert of the Muslim Brotherhood. Look how the aspirations and wishes and hopes of 330 million Arabs are discarded in order to make rooms for Israeli war crimes and occupation: "Mr. Hamid said the Muslim Brotherhood’s deep hostility to Israel — which reflects majority public opinion in Egypt — would pose difficulties for American policy." That is all that you care about, even if this is about the repression of 80 million Egyptians. It is all about keeping the lousy ugly flag of Israeli occupying flying in Cairo. But no, as obnoxious as that sentence was, I love this sentence in the article: "Its conservative views on the rights of women and intolerance of religious minorities are offensive by Western standards." Oh, really? Conservative views on women and minorities are "offensive by Western standards"? How cute. But the conservative religious views on women and minorities in Israel does not seem to offend Western standards. Furthermore, how come the most extreme conservative--far more than the Muslim Brotherhood's--views AND practices against women and minorities in Saudi Arabia never seem to offend Western standards. In this sentence you learn that attacks on US occupation troops in Iraq is considered terrorism, so the definition of terrorism has now been adjusted to delegitimize acts of resistance against US and Israeli occupation troops: "its leaders have endorsed acts of terrorism against Israel and against American troops in Iraq."
Posted by As'ad
بوتين: لم نُهزم في سورية
الجمعة,2024/12/20 1:39 صباحًا أكد الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين أنّ روسيا
«لم تُهزم في سورية بل حققنا أهدافنا هناك»، مشيراً إلى أنّ بلاده تدخلت
عسكرياً في س...
3 hours ago
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