Had an epiphany with this image. Throughout US urban history, the hidden controller,Anglo/Masons, have periodically brought in new blood(who are more easily controlled) whenever their older, more established, ethnic element became restless.
Here, we have a very restless Irish Catholic element, indeed, in 1870's New York City. (see the compromised Irish Protestant, "Boss Tweed" cowering in the rabble{the cat with the large flag}. He has obviously lost control of the crowd and fades into the background) Tweed, was the agent controller of the Irish for the Anglo Masons for the majority of the mid century. This is obviously his swan song. The cartoon artist Thomas Nast, featured Tweed prominently throughout those years. He is quite the sad ineffectual character in this cartoon. A significant change.
This period marks the time when the Anglo Masons realize they no longer control the rabble. My guess is, this is right before the "new wave" immigration from southern and eastern Europe. In the ensuing years, large numbers of destitute Italians flooded the area to work for the Anglo/Masons. Replacing the ever increasingly belligerent Irish who refused to work for sub standard wages and living conditions.
A very kewl cartoon folks!!
high resolution image here