WHAT REALLY HAPPENED The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn!:
Israelis reject George Mitchell loan guarantee 'threat'
Israeli officials have shrugged off a suggestion that the US could withhold loan guarantees to pressure Israel over the Middle East peace process.
The finance minister said Israel did not need the guarantees, while the prime minister accused the Palestinians of holding up peace negotiations.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Fantastic news, ladies and gentlemen! We may no longer have to give Israel what amounts to 3 billion dollars' worth of aid annually!
Maybe we can feed and clothe and rehabilitate those homeless Vets now sleeping in our streets.
Maybe we can build some more hospitals and clinics, and get our roads repaired!
Maybe we can disengage from any present or future integration between the US and Israeli military!
And maybe, in light of the fact that Israel has nuclear warheads but refuses any IAEA inspection of their nuclear facilities (unlike Iran), Americans will wake up to the reality that under the terms and conditions of the Symington Amendment, it is illegal for the US to give Israel any aid whatsoever!"
LIVE BLOG: Eid-Day Massacres in Gaza | Shocking Evidence of Paramedic
Executions – Day 541
March 30, 2025 By Palestine Chronicle Staff Israeli occupation forces
opened fire during Eid prayers in several areas of Gaza, killing scores of
19 hours ago
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